e-GP Tender Document preparation (PE Part) & e-GP Tender Submission
Venue House#05 (1st Floor), Flat# 1-A, Block # D, Road # 17, Banani, Dhaka -1213
Traditionally it was thought that competitive advantage was the result of marketing and advertisement expenses and purchasing was not given due importance. Even in the recent past, purchasing was regarded as being services to production and other functions of the company and thus it was given limited attention to issues concerned with the procurement. But in today`s competitive business world, these traditional approaches can no longer guarantee competitive advantage in all cases. Companies, therefore, have to find other means of succeeding. This is nothing but succeeding through effective utilization of procurement processes. Now managers have realized that purchasing should be considered as a key strategic business process rather than a narrow specialized supporting function to overall business strategy.
Contents of workshop:
1. Definition of Procurement & Public Procurement.
2. PPA-2006 & PPR-2008.
3. Nature of Procurement (Goods, Works & Services).
4. Preparation of APP (Annual Procurement Plan).
5. 6 types of Procurement methods (for Goods & Works)
6. 8 Types of Service Methods.
7. 4 offences in Procurement sector.
8. TEC & TOC formation.
9. 4 Steps of Tender Evaluation.
10. Introducing with STD (Standard Tender Documents).
11. Section of Tender Documents.
12. Preparation of IFT (Invitation for Tender).
13. Procurement processing & Approval time table.
14. Tender Security, Performance security & Retention Money misconception.
15. E-GP (Electronic Government Procurement) Guideline & Procedure.
16. Preparation of APP through e-GP system
17. Tender Document Preparation & Submission of tender using e-GP system.
18. Practical of e-GP Tender submission, modification & withdrawn.
Lecture & discussion, Power Point Presentation, Peer learning, Group work and presentation, Experience sharing, Role play, Buzz and simulation games, Case study exercises.
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