Management Skills for New Managers or Non-Managers

Last Date of Registration: April 10, 2025
Venue House#05 (1st Floor), Flat# 1-A, Block # D, Road # 17, Banani, Dhaka -1213


Management skill development may have an impact on many areas of an organization. These may be on:

  1. Profit maximization
  2. Productivity Improvement
  3. Efficiency Development
  4. Employers Branding
  5. Reputation of the organization
  6. Employee Motivation
  7. Cost Reduction
  8. Business increase
  9. Customer Satisfaction and others.

Management skill development may be accelerated through imparting Knowledge and Training.

To have any success for any Professionals as well as of the organization, we need to have Management Skill Development. 

This training is designed as to share the Management Skill Development strategy for all Professionals, which is required in the work place.

How participants will benefit after the course:

  • Participants will learn on how to develop the Management Skills.
  • Behavior of the employees will be improved
  • Management will be able to take right decision
  • Healthy environment and congenial atmosphere will prevail in the organization.

Contents of courses:

  1. Introduction

Power of Motivation:

  1. Attitude
  2. Managing Request
  3.  Managing Working Relationships
  4. Answering Phone
  5. Interpersonal Relationship
  6. Motivating
  7. Appreciation

Management Skills:

  1. Supervising  staff
  2. Developing staff
  3. Negotiation
  4. Effective Communication
  5. Listening Skill
  6. Time Management
  7. Priority Setting
  8. Stress Management
  9. To solve general day to day problems

Leadership and Team Building:

  1. Team Work
  2. Leadership & Management


  1. Improvement of Productivity
  2. Cost Reduction & Innovation Project
  3. Perform effectively and efficiently


  • Interactive Lecture,
  • Power Point Presentation
  • Video clips/ Games
  • Question and answer session.

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