C-TPAT Compliance & It’s Factory Auditing Issues
Venue House#05 (1st Floor), Flat# 1-A, Block # D, Road # 17, Banani, Dhaka -1213
C-TPAT (The Customs-Trade Partnership against Terrorism) is a safety measure that
the trade industry takes against terrorism. Today it`s a big client`s requirements to the
suppliers. C-TPAT Certification allows importers to take advantage of faster import
processing with a secure supply chain. The C-TPAT certification program ensures that
the highest standards of security are applied at all levels of the manufacturing and
transportation process today.
Considering the benefits of C-TPAT certification, it (C-TPT Certification) has large
scales of benefits for the certified organization. C-TPAT Certification conforms self-
policing and self-monitoring of security activities. All certified C-TPAT companies are
eligible to attend CBP sponsored supply chain security training seminars. C-TPAT
Certified organization will be at the front of the line for any required inspections that
take place. C-TPAT Certified organization will be recognized as a trusted partner of the
United States Federal Government.
In today`s fast changing global market, it is not only the quality of products which
cherished the retailers & manufacturers but also the working of the organization
wherein the product is produced. Those are equally important to gain and strengthen
consumer confidence and to build up more reliable relationship with vendors. Basic
awareness of the C-TPAT compliance issues helps to understand and monitor the
compliance part of it in protecting the image of a particular brand of products.
In order to do so, the reputed & leading market player including garments trade have
imposed compulsion on the related factories to achieve those objectives as a condition
of the export contact. Even the exports were either withheld or cancelled elsewhere in
the event of non- compliance to C-TPAT issues.
C-TPAT compliance training is important in terms of protecting the company over the
long-term. Today C-TAPT Compliance training is treated as the highest level
demandable training on security system. C-TPAT Compliance is aligned with the best
practices for an organization, so as this and the requirements for compliance evolve
over time, it ensures that businesses are compliant with regulations before they have
come into effect.
How will participants benefit after this training?
At the end of the training the participants will be able to understand-
the basics of C-TPAT Compliance.
The system of becoming member of C-TPAT
the requirements of C-TPAT Compliance and its audit
the documentation process of C-TPAT Audit
the potential benefits of C-TPAT Certification
the implementation system of C-TPAT in industries
the certification process of C-TPAT
the common nonconformities of C-TPAT Audit
corrective & preventive action plan of C-TPAT Audit
the activities during C-TPAT Audit
the auditor’s requirement & checklist on C-TPAT
the factory preparing tips for C-TPAT Compliance Audit
Contents of Training:
Session-01: ‘Introduction to C-TPAT Compliance`
General introduction C-TPAT Compliance
Launching History of C-TPAT
C-TPAT in Bangladesh
Benefits of C-TPAT Certification
Implementation process of CTPAT Standard
National Security legislation vs. C-TPAT
Session-02: ‘Physical Security`
Introduction to Physical Security
C-TPAT standards analysis
Scope of physical security
Factory preparing tips on physical security
Common nonconformities relates to the issue
Required audit documents
Steps of Corrective Action
Session-03: ‘Procedural Security’
Acquaintance with procedural security
C-TPAT requirement relates the issue
Areas of procedural security
Factory preparing tips on this issue
Auditor’s questionnaires/checklist
Required policy, procedures, form, format, registers
Tips to making corrective action plan (CAP)
Session-04: ‘Container & Trailer Security`
Brief introduction
C-TPAT Requirements analysis
Scope of Container & Trailer Security
Factory preparing tips on this issue
Common nonconformities
Required audit documents
Corrective action plan
Session-05: ‘Information Technology Security`
General Introduction
C-TPAT Requirement analysis
Related requirements for the members organization
Required preparation for the organization
Required audit documents (policy, procedure, plan, manual etc.)
Viewpoints of C-TPAT Auditor
Common Nonconformities
Steps of Corrective actions
Session-06: ‘Personnel Security`
Brief Introduction of Personnel Security
C-TPAT Standards Analysis
Related requirements for the industries
Auditing Issues/Auditor`s looking points
Preparations of auditee
Required Audit documents
Common Nonconformities
Steps of Corrective actions
Session-07: ‘Security Training & Threats Awareness`
General discussion on security training & threats awareness
Importance of security training & threats awareness program
Factory preparing tips on this issue
Required audit documents
Looking points of auditor
Auditee’s preparing guidelines
Common nonconformities on this issue
Corrective action plan (CAP) on this issue
Session-08: ‘Business Partner Requirements`
General discussion on this issue
Features, Benefits, Importance of this issue
C-TPAT requirement analysis
Factory preparing tips on this issue
Auditor’s questionnaire/checklist on this issue
Required audit documents (policy, procedure, form, register etc.)
Common nonconformities on this issue
Corrective action plan (CAP) on this issue
Session-09: ‘Supply Chain Security Planning`
General discussion
Significance & Benefits
Requirements for C-TPAT audit
Do`s of organization
Viewpoints of C-TPAT Auditor
Probable nonconformities & corrective action
Session-10: ‘C-TPAT Audit`
Acquaintance with C-TPAT audit
Features of C-TPAT Audit
Importance of C-TPAT Audit
C-TPAT Audit criteria
C-TPAT Audit-organization have to meet the issues
C-TPAT Audit Registration Process
C-TPAT Audit conducting CB’s
Session-11: ‘C-TPAT Auditor`
Definition & Clarification of C-TPAT auditor
Features of C-TPAT Auditor
Common responsibilities of C-TPAT Auditor
Qualification & qualities of C-TPAT Auditor
Do’s & Don’t of C-TPAT Auditor
Session-12: ‘C-TPAT Auditee`
Definition & Clarification of C-TPAT auditee
Features of C-TPAT Auditee
Common responsibilities of C-TPAT Auditee
Qualification & qualities of C-TPAT Auditee
Do’s & Don’t of C-TPAT Auditee
Session-13: ‘C-TPAT Audit Documentation`
Nature & matrix of C-TPAT Audit documentation
Controlling Process of C-TPAT audit documents
Preservation Criteria of C-TPAT audit documents
Creating & updating process of C-TPAT audit documents
Handling process of C-TPAT audit document
Interactive, PowerPoint presentation
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- July 11, 2025
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