Grievance Handling & Conflict Management

Last Date of Registration: February 18, 2025
Venue House#05 (1st Floor), Flat# 1-A, Block # D, Road # 17, Banani, Dhaka -1213


Without managing the conflict, motivation of employee is a hard task. Grievance handling procedure is a part of Labor Laws. Through grievance handling conflict in the workplace is resolved. To motivate the employees, grievance handling is compulsory. To maintain a healthy environment and congenial atmosphere in the organization as well as to avoid legal obligation we should know how to handle grievance, motivate the employee and to manage conflict.

How participants will benefit after the course:

• Participants will learn about the techniques of motivation and conflict management
• Participants will learn how to handle grievance as per labor law
• Participants will be aware about the local regulations of conflict Management
• Participants will be aware of the impact of the related labor laws
• Proper justice will be ensured in the workplace
• Behavior of the employees will be changed
• Legal obligation will be meet up
• Management will be able to take right decision
• Healthy environment and congenial atmosphere will prevail in the organization
• Productivity will be increased

Contents of Training:

Grievance Handling:
1. A) Grievance under section 33 of Labor Code-2006
B) Other Grievances
2. How to conduct grievance enquiry
3. Types of Grievance
4. Major cause of Grievance

Conflict Management:
5. Introduction
6. What is Conflict?
7. Recognizing conflicts
8. Responsibility of employers and employee to resolve conflict
9. Local Regulations to resolve conflict
10. Is conflict normal?
11. Organizational Conflict
12. The effect of conflict on organizational performance
13. Perceptual difference
14. Level of conflict
15. Types of conflict
16. Styles of conflict Management

Managing Anger:
17. Managing anger
18. The hidden cost of Anger
19. Ways to manage conflict
20. Steps to dealing with conflict
21. Agree the problem
22. Listen & Hear
23. Active Listening
24. What if they don’t want to talk
25. Follow up

26. Techniques of Motivation
27. Packages for Motivation
28. How do we motivate?
29. What to do to motivate?


Interactive Lecture, PowerPoint Presentation, Question and Answer Session.

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